Below are some of my creative works using both digital and traditional media



Client: Zourdough Sourdough Starters

Media Objective: Logo creation and social media posts

Creation Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator  

Date: 2021-2022

Based out of California, the Zourdough Sourdough Starters company was looking for a logo to represent their whimsical and zany business approach. By eliminating a consistent baseline for the text I was able to convey the motion of the viable sourdough starters that they sell. The addition of an actively bubbling starter jar graphic serves to use the letter "O" as bubbles in a reusable and recognizable asset for ad creations and informational social media posts. 

Client: Whitestone Academy

Media Objective: Logo revision

Creation Tools: Adobe Illustrator  

Date: 2019

The Whitestone Academy school was in need of a logo refresh from the original design created in 1981. This revision added a more stately appearance while conserving the torch and laurel leaf design. 

Client: Crown Aircraft Lighting INC

Media Objective: Brochure

Creation Tools: Adobe Photoshop and InDesign  

Date: 2015

The Crown Aircraft Lighting INC company, a long-time family owned business operating worldwide, needed a brochure that would maintain the conservative look of the logo originally designed by the company's patriarchal founder while also having a modern corporate look.

Client: The Invention House

Media Objective: Logo creation

Creation Tools: Adobe Illustrator  

Date: 2004

I created The Invention House logo to be symbolic of the solid structure that this company wanted to portray as the foundation for success in invention patenting. The letters "I" and "H" are neatly tucked into the design as structural elements of a simple and effective brand identity logo.

Client: Pro Chef New York

Media Objective: Holiday event advertisement

Creation Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator  

Date: 2021

The Pro Chef New York knife sharpening company needed an eye-catching advertisement for their holiday sharpening event. Although there was limited time for creation and customer awareness, this social media post contributed to a large turnout based on the customer responses at the event.  

Various Logo Designs

Creation Tools: Adobe Illustrator

.01 Monarch Headwear, 2003

.02 Nervous Nut, 2020

.03 Vibez NYC, 2022

.04 Dj Hookup, 2015

.05 Ezi Dezign, 2007

.06 Strategic Materials, 2005


Client: Sueycidekings Pro Gaming Team

Media Objective: Gaming team recruitment promotion

Creation Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator  

Date: 2018

This gaming group wanted a strong urban feel for their recruiting advertisement. By hand-lettering and digitizing the group name in an angular graffiti-like style, I added to the overall fierce feel of this ad post created for the team to attract like-minded gamers. 

Client: GWS Gaming

Media Objective: Gaming team logo and forum assets

Creation Tools: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator  

Date: 2018

The logo design for GWS Gaming incorporates the concept of the interconnected nature of electronic gaming by representing a circuit board appearance. I further created forum section assets for the group and custom individual player signatures for this strong gaming crew's members.


Client: Doggy Be Good 

Media Objective: Outdoor wall painting

Creation Media: Weather-resistant enamel paint 

Date: 2016

The Doggy Be Good kennel grounds wanted a more friendly and inviting atmosphere for their human and furry friends. This series of outdoor paintings I created, in collaboration with fellow artist Mark Di Donna, brought the very playful look and vivid colors that the owners were seeking. 

Client: Private residence 

Media Objective: Indoor wall painting

Creation Media: Acrylic paint 

Date: 2016

In another collaboration with Mark Di Donna, we hand painted animals and plants to match the jungle theme for this newborn baby's room. The images added a bit more color to the room and helped create a fun space for the child to learn and grow in.


Title: Love Grows

Creation Media: Polymer clay

Size: 13cm L x 13cm W x 9cm H

Date: 2021

This tree sculpture I made as a 3 dimensional cartoon that depicts a fun and quiet sunny place where two pumpkins grow together sharing one vine.

"Geometry of Graff" oil painting image

Title: The Geometry of Graff

Creation Media: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 24in H x 32in W

Date: 2002

When creating this painting I envisioned a close-up view of the potentially overlooked geometric design complexities in the graffiti style of urban art. The sharp angled shapes convey an almost mechanical juxtaposition against the fluidity of the dripping paint background.

"The Rising Star" oil painting image

Title: Rising Star

Creation Media: Oil on canvas

Size: 24in H x 32in W

Date: 2001

Many times in our lives, we can be faced with chaotic turmoil, as in the year 2001, that can challenge us to find a way to persevere . The central blazing star in this painting is the end result of that strength that keeps individuals rising as stars even when faced with immense adversity.

Title: Synergy of Energy

Creation Tools: Bryce 3D, Poser, and Adobe Photoshop

Date: 2002

This digital artwork was inspired by the "hold the ball" Tai Chi Chuan pose. The central figure is holding a sphere of space and time, in condensed form, as the 3rd dimension is extended inward and reflected back outwards. The figure’s foremost foot penetrates the water acting as a direct channel for planetary energy to flow.

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